Dale Dougherty


Maker Faire大会创办人

Founder of MAKE Magazine

Creator of Maker Faire

戴尔·多尔蒂是O'Reilly Media的共同创始人之一(与Tim O'Reilly合写)。 尽管不是作为技术文档咨询公司的最早阶段的公司,但戴尔在O'Reilly的出版业务发展中发挥了重要作用。 他是O'Reilly书sed&awk的作者 。 自2017年以来,多尔蒂一直因涉嫌性骚扰Naomi Wu而受到抨击 。

Dougherty于1993年成为创始人,并且是全球网络导航员(GNN)的发行人,GNN是第一个门户网站,也是互联网上第一个获得广告支持的网站。 1995年,AOL从O'Reilly&Associates购买了GNN。 部分交易包括美国在线投资300万美元用于Dougherty经营的O'Reilly的Songline工作室的20%。 该组织在互联网上发布了网络评论和音乐评论家网站。

Dougherty于2004年底在O'Reilly MediaWeb 2.0大会上帮助推广'Web 2.0'这个术语,尽管它是由达西迪努西在1999年创造的。

Dougherty目前是来自O'Reilly Media分拆的Maker Media首席执行官。 [8]该公司出版“制作”杂志,拥有电子商务网站(Makershed),并在全球举办MakerFaires。 他被广泛认为是造物主运动之父。

Dale Dougherty is one of the co-founders (with Tim O'Reilly) of O'Reilly Media. While not at the company in its earliest stages as a technical documentation consulting company, Dale was instrumental in the development of O'Reilly's publishing business. He is the author of the O'Reilly book sed&awk. Since 2017, Dougherty has been under fire for alleged sexist harassment of Naomi Wu.

Dougherty was the founder, in 1993, and publisher of the Global Network Navigator (GNN), the first web portal and the first site on the internet to be supported by advertising. In 1995, AOL purchased GNN from O'Reilly & Associates. Part of the transaction included an investment by AOL of $3 million for 20 percent of O'Reilly's Songline Studios, which Dougherty ran. The organization published the Web Review and the Music Critic sites on the Internet.

Dougherty helped popularize the term 'Web 2.0' at the O'Reilly MediaWeb 2.0 Conference in late 2004, though it was coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999.

Dougherty currently is the CEO of Maker Media, a spin-off from O'Reilly Media. The company publishes Make magazine, has an ecommerce site (Makershed), and conducts Maker Faires worldwide. He is widely considered the Father of the Maker Movement.


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